Presented by the Cultural Center of Cape Cod on Saturday, April 27, from 10am-2pm. You need not be intimidated by watercolor. This is a workshop to help you relax and learn to love the medium. Using a wet-on-wet approach, we’ll demolish the old tropes – yes, you CAN change things, no, “mud” does NOT have to be the usual result of color mixing, controlling the “uncontrollable” IS possible, and MORE! We focus on working with water, learning how to mix colors, understanding paper, and using the strengths (and weaknesses) of the medium to your advantage. Within the four hours (including a ½ hour for lunch), we’ll work with lots of wet paint while using many different surfaces and methods. We focus on new techniques, learn to control the uncontrollable, and have a blast with this amazing medium. It is a great workshop for beginners as well as those who are looking to shake up their practice. for members. $115/$100 for members. ?Register at or call 508-394-7100. The Cultural Center is located at 307 Old Main Street in South Yarmouth.