Friday, March 8, from 5-7pm. Explore the history of your own backyard with this unique showcase of historical artifacts from the Bass River and South Yarmouth area, co-curated by Bob Kelley. This exhibition features objects that date back to the 19th century. Visitors will follow in the footsteps of those who came before us and gain insight into the lives of people who lived in the area. From rare documents and photographs to ancient tools, this exhibition presents a range of historical treasures that will captivate visitors and offer a glimpse into the past. “Lost History-Rediscovered” will run from March 6-March 30, in the Cultural Center’s four main galleries. Visitors are also welcome to experience “Myth and Magic,” paintings by Kathleen Kendall in the Education Wing Creative Arts Space Gallery through March 30. This event is free, and all are welcome. The Cultural Center of Cape Cod is located at 307 Old Main St. in South Yarmouth.