The Master Gardener Association of Cape Cod will hold its 25th Anniversary Plant Sale on Saturday, May 18, opening at 9 a.m. at the Cape Cod Fairgrounds in East Falmouth. This year the Cape Cod Master Gardeners have climate change in mind with pollinator-friendly native plants, a large selection of perennials including succulents and dahlias, plus affordable hydrangeas and rhododendrons. Gardeners will be delighted with the wide variety of tomatoes not usually available in garden shops, veggie seedlings to get your production off to a flying start, and over forty varieties of herbs to season all that produce. This is a rain or shine event. Cape Cod Fairgrounds does not permit dogs on its premises; please leave all pets at home. Proceeds from the Annual Plant Sale benefit the Master Gardener Association of Cape Cod scholarship fund and public education programs.