Six Saturdays, Sept. 14-Oct. 19, from 10am-1pm. Artist Ann Guiliani leads this exciting and fun class that welcomes students of any level. Learn how to connect your ideas to design as you discover how representational and abstract forms in artwork together in concept, composition, and construction. Trust yourself to experiment and explore and find your own unique marks with the sheer joy of painting. Working first in drawing exercises, you will gain an appreciation for design principles of line, shape, tonal values, and spatial relationships – the universal Aesthetic Principles. Whatever you learn through drawing will be applied to abstract painting as you work and play with acrylics, oil, collage, and assemblages with unconventional as well as conventional media. $324/$292 for members. To register visit or call 508-394-7100. Cultural Center of Cape Cod, 307 Old Main St., South Yarmouth.